2025. március 13., csütörtök
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A SZAB Fizikai, Informatikai és Matematikai Szakbizottsága tisztelettel meghívja:

John P. Jackson, Ph.D. (Physics) Scientific Analysis of Body Image Formation on the Shroud of Turin című előadására, 2018 szeptember 25-én 10 órától, a SZAB székház 110-es termében

Az angol nyelvű előadás kivonata:

This talk first reviews important observational characteristics of the body image on the Shroud of Turin, some of which come from the 1978 STURP expedition to examine the Shroud directly in Turin, for which Dr. Jackson was its team leader. Following this, several examples will be presented to demonstrate how various image formation hypotheses can be rejected by testing against the available observational data, according to the Scientific Method. Next, a subset of the observational data is used to formulate the presenter?s hypothesis of image formation involving radiation and gravity. The remainder of the observational data of the Shroud image, which were not used to construct the hypothesis, are then used to test the hypothesis. The talk concludes with a summary and significance of the above analysis.