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from 2-6 September at the M16 office, at the Dean’s Office, Aradi vértanúk tere 1, Szeged during the following reception hours:

Monday- Thursday: 8.00-12.00 and 13.00-16.00, Friday: 8.00-12.00

The national higher education scholarship can be applied for a full academic year, the amount is HUF 40,000 per month. Deadline: 8th July 2024 (Monday), 11:59 p.m.

Start your application now to the fall semester of AY 2024/25 of the University of Szeged and explore Coursera for free. We have prepared 3 packages to applicants in order to make the most out of their talents.

Referring Kuno Klebelsberg in relation to Katalin Karikó's Nobel Prize is more than a historical artifact of the University. According to Prof. Dr. Márta Széll, Vice-Rector for Strategic Planning at the University of Szeged, due to the network-like character of research, a clear scientific history can be traced between the major biochemical research laboratories at the University of Szeged and the new Nobel Prize.

The National Higher Education Scholarship is for a full academic year, i.e. for 10 months, and amounts to HUF 40,000 per month pursuant to Section 114/D (1) c) of the ANHE.

On January 15, 2021, the TACMEE (Tackling the Climate change through Modernizing Environmental Engineering) project, funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union, was launched with the coordination of SZTE.

Participate in this competition and win the chance to travel to Sweden & be a part of the EUGLOH 2023 Annual Summit!

The national higher education scholarship can be applied for a full academic year, the amount is HUF 40,000 per month. Deadline: 4th July, 2022.

“My Sustainable Campus”

According to the Rector – Chancellor Circular No. 6/2021 (X.01.) on rules at the University of Szeged during the State of Health Emergency, it is again mandatory to wear a face mask in the premises of the University of Szeged.

Rector-Chancellor joint instruction no 6/2021. (10.01.) concerning the regulation at the University of Szeged during the medical crisis: The Rector-Chancellor joint instruction no 6/2021. (10.01.) comes into effect on 5th October (Tuesday) 2021, the most important applies to wearing a mask:

Joint circular of the Rector and the Chancellor about Rector’s (educational) break and information on availability of dormitory accomodation

In order to prevent the spread of the new Coronavirus, subject to the announcement of the Prime Minister on the 9th of November – keeping in mind the personal safety of the students – the Rector of the University of Szeged has ordered a Rector’s (educational) break between the 11th and the 14th of November. According to the joint circular No. 9/2020. (XI.9.) of the Rector and the Chancellor, the University of Szeged continues toprovide dormitory accommodation for international students during the online education from the 11th of November.

Directorate for Educational Affairs
University of Szeged

The University of Szeged has created a voluntary reporting form in the MODULO system for the registration and verification of absences related to the epidemiological situation caused by SARS-CoV2 and for the preparation of internal statistics.

The autumn semester of the academic year of 2020-21 starts both offline and online at the Faculty of Science and Informatics, University of Szeged

Dear Foreign Students,
Please check in your Coospace or ask the instructors concerned whether the courses are held offline or online.

Anita Horpácsi
international coordinator

Dean’s instruction concerning the pandemic

Dear Student,


Hereby I inform you that due to the growing Coronavirus pandemic from 7th September 2020 the personal reception hours are cancelled at the Students’ Office of the Faculty of Science and Informatics.

Administration is electronic or online. If you have any questions, please turn to Anita Horpácsi at

Online reception hours are being planned. If the conditions are appropriate, you will be informed.

Thank you for your understanding in advance.

We wish you a successful semester!

Anikó Boa

Head of the Students’ Office


31 August - 4 September in office M16

From 31st August till 3rd September (Monday to Thursday): 8.00-12.00 and 13.00-16.00

On 4th September (Friday) from 8.00-12.00


Wearing gloves and a mask that covers nose and mouth is compulsory. In the reception area only one student can be present in front of the reception desk. While waiting please keep the 1.5 meter-distance from each other. Please use the hand hygiene gel before entering the room.

Special Message to Our New International Students from Vice-Rector of the SZTE

Global Health Challenges: Diseases of Modern Life. September 28th – 30th 2020. Organized by University of Szeged (Hungary) with the participation of member universities of the EUGLOH Alliance: Ludwig-Maximilian University of München (Germany), Lund University (Sweden), University of Porto (Portugal), Paris-Saclay University (France)

The National Higher Education Scholarship Committee of the Faculty of Science and Informatics has evaluated the submitted 188 applications in more sessions. During the evaluation on the basis of the National Higher Education Scholarship Regulation we have decided about the valid applications

Education at the University of Szeged - 2020

Visiting university buildings remains prohibited for students of the SZTE, except for 6th year medical, dentistry and pharmacy students who are carrying out their clinical practice as well as doctoral students for research purposes. With regard to the fulfillment of the practical courses and successful compilation of the exams, Deans may allow individual visits of the building at their discretion in compliance with the hygienic and protection measures required by law.

In the state of the national health emergency, declared to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) - in order to protect the citizens of foreign countries, legally residing in Hungary - the Government of Hungary in it’s Goverment Decree 85/2020. (5th of April) ordered the automatic prolongation of the documents entitling to reside in Hungary as follows.

Dear PhD Candidates, Students!

Due to the extraordinary measures caused by the coronavirus, personal administration (reception hours) will be suspended from today until revocation. Doctoral administration can be provided electronically.

Thank you for your understanding.
Szeged, 12 March 2020.
Educational breaks on the Rector’s orders in the 1nd term of 2019/2020

1. The Student Government of the University of Szeged is organising The Welcome Camp between the 5th and 7th of September, 2019. With regard to this event, an educational break will be allowed by the Rector of the University of Szeged for the 6th of September (Friday), 2019 for all full-time students.

2. The Career Office and the “Universitas” Non-Profit Public Benefit Company of the University of Szeged are organising the autumn job fair on the 8th of October (Tuesday), 2019. For this day, an educational break will be allowed by the Rector of the University of Szeged. The educational break applies to those students who are expected to be entitled for the issue of their leaving certificate in the 1st or 2nd term of the academic year 2019/2020 (“senior students”).

The National Higher Education Scholarship Committee of the Faculty of Science and Informatics has evaluated the submitted 209 applications in more sessions. During the evaluation on the basis of the National Higher Education Scholarship Regulation we have decided about the valid applications.

Erasmus Student NetworkSzeged reception hours

Monday, Wednesday: 10.00-14.00

Tuesday and Thursday: 12.00-16.00

Friday: 12.00-14.00


Rector’s office, room 45. (Dugonics square 13. Main building of the University of Szeged)


Contact: Zsuzsanna Varjú or Dr. Leona Jerney:

Foreign students say about our Faculty

The Extreme Light Infrastructure Attosecond Light Pulse Source (ELI-ALPS) Laser Research Centre is one of the pillars of this infrastructure was built in Szeged and is one of the largest scientific investments in Europe, with support from the European Union amounting to over 70 billion HUF.


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