Thursday, 19 September 2024
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Start Applying to the University of Szeged and gain access to online courses of world leading universities

Start your application now to the fall semester of AY 2024/25 of the University of Szeged and explore Coursera for free. We have prepared 3 packages to applicants in order to make the most out of their talents.

Hatchling Package

Get prepared for your upcoming entrance exams and chose one of the courses focusing on study skills, English proficiency, business essentials or even calculus. This package on Coursera is available once an application is submitted to the University of Szeged on its application platform.

Nestling Package

 You think you have some subject in which you want to develop your skills before or during your university studies? Enrol to Coursera courses in the fields of STEM, Health Sciences, Social Sciences or Humanities and Arts which become available once the application is accepted by the University.

Fledgling Package

With this package, Professional Certificate Courses become available to you, once the tuition fee is paid and credited to the University of Szeged.

Start applying now and gain access to contents of world leading higher education institutions. Please find the technical details here in order to join the programme.

Wishing you a successful preparation for your exam and looking forward to meeting you soon in Szeged.


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