What to know about The Faculty of Science and Informatics of the University of Szeged
The Faculty of Science and Informatics of the University of Szeged opened in 1921, when the University of Kolozsvár (today Cluj-Napoca, in Romania) moved to Szeged, as this area of Hungary was lost to Romania following the Peace Treaty ending World War I. During the past 85 years, a number of outstanding professors have succeeded those who founded our Faculty, originally called the Faculty of Science and Mathematics. Here is the list of those professors who were Deans of our Faculty between 1921 and 2007: Frigyes Riesz, Alfréd Haar, Rudolf Ortvay, István Győrffy, Péter Pfeiffer, Tibor Széki, Szentpétery Zsigmond, Gelei József, Fröchlich Pál, Kiss Árpád, Farkas Béla, Kerékjártó Béla, Gyula Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Lajos Bartuch, István Ferenczi, Pál Greguss, Sándor Koch, Győző Bruckner, László Rédei, Zoltán Szabó, Richárd Wagner, Ágoston Budó, Béla Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Gyula Grasselly, László Szalay, László Leindler, Károly Tandori, Mihály Bartók, Ferenc Gécseg, László Hatvani, Rezső Mészáros, Károly Varga, Gábor Mezősi, and János Csirik. They include nine internationally renowned scientists of mathematics, five of biology, five of physics, seven of geography, seven of chemistry and two of informatics.
Of our 49 professors, 11 are members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences furthermore we have 31 Professor Emeritus and Emerita.
Teaching and research activities are divided between the institutes and departments within the Faculty. We have six institutes, each of which can be regarded as a partially independent teaching and research unit:
About our students
University of Szeged has over 18,000 students. They are represented by the Student Union, which sits in the Senate, the ultimate governing body of the University. Those who are academically outstanding or have financial difficulties are supported by funds provided by the Ministry of Education. Money is available to finance the students' research activities, as well as to organise cultural or sporting events.
Both within and outside the university, the students can select from a wide range of cultural activities. The JATE club is open all year round. The University has an amateur theatre company, a folk-dance group and a choir. The theatres, cinemas, clubs, restaurants, swimming pools, parks and sport facilities offer plenty of opportunities for recreation.
Master programmes in English:
Bachelor programs in Hungarian:
Master's programs in Hungarian:
Master's programs in teaching in Hungarian:
Szeged is the cultural and economic centre of the south of Hungary, with 180,000 inhabitants. It is a city of students, where University of Szeged is the largest educational establishment.
University of Szeged has 12 faculties: Faculty of Law, Medicine, Dentistry, Arts, Health Sciences and Social Studies, Engineering, Pharmacy, Economics and Business Administration, Agriculture, Teacher Training, Music and Science and Informatics. The Hungarian Accreditation Committee and the Rectors' Conference of Europe have pronounced teaching at the University and the degrees issued by it very good by international standard. According to the third such international survey, University of Szeged ranks highly among the institutes of higher education in the world.
In the annual list of the top 500 universities of the world compiled by Jiao Tong University of Shanghai, University of Szeged is the only other Hungarian university listed, apart from Loránd Eötvös University in Budapest.
Of all Hungarian universities, only Szeged University is included in the list of the top 100 universities in Europe. This honour is shared only with Charles University in Prague, of all institutes of higher education in Central and Eastern Europe.
The University Library is one of the largest in the region, with a collection of one and a half million books, periodicals and other documents. It houses the country's most modern computerised university library database connected to
international networks. In 2004 it moved to a new building called Attila József Academic and Information Centre (SZTE TIK), which equals the best such European facilities.
The address of the Faculty of Sciences and Informatics: 6720 Szeged, Aradi Vértanúk tere 1.
The telephone number of the Academic Registrar's Office: (62) 544-172, 544-203, 544-507.
Our e-mail address: ttikto@sci.u-szeged.hu or horpacsi.anita@sci.u-szeged.hu