Thursday, 13 March 2025
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The University of Szeged Faculty of Science and Informatics (SZTE TTIK) announces a Logo Design Contest for SZTE citizens with TTIK legal status: educators, non educational staff and active students with the title “100 éves az SZTE TTIK” /The SZTE TTIK is 100 years old/

Joint circular of the Rector and the Chancellor about Rector’s (educational) break and information on availability of dormitory accomodation

In order to prevent the spread of the new Coronavirus, subject to the announcement of the Prime Minister on the 9th of November – keeping in mind the personal safety of the students – the Rector of the University of Szeged has ordered a Rector’s (educational) break between the 11th and the 14th of November. According to the joint circular No. 9/2020. (XI.9.) of the Rector and the Chancellor, the University of Szeged continues toprovide dormitory accommodation for international students during the online education from the 11th of November.

Directorate for Educational Affairs
University of Szeged

The University of Szeged has created a voluntary reporting form in the MODULO system for the registration and verification of absences related to the epidemiological situation caused by SARS-CoV2 and for the preparation of internal statistics.

The autumn semester of the academic year of 2020-21 starts both offline and online at the Faculty of Science and Informatics, University of Szeged

Dear Foreign Students,
Please check in your Coospace or ask the instructors concerned whether the courses are held offline or online.

Anita Horpácsi
international coordinator

Dean’s instruction concerning the pandemic

Dear Student,


Hereby I inform you that due to the growing Coronavirus pandemic from 7th September 2020 the personal reception hours are cancelled at the Students’ Office of the Faculty of Science and Informatics.

Administration is electronic or online. If you have any questions, please turn to Anita Horpácsi at

Online reception hours are being planned. If the conditions are appropriate, you will be informed.

Thank you for your understanding in advance.

We wish you a successful semester!

Anikó Boa

Head of the Students’ Office

Special Message to Our New International Students from Vice-Rector of the SZTE

31 August - 4 September in office M16

From 31st August till 3rd September (Monday to Thursday): 8.00-12.00 and 13.00-16.00

On 4th September (Friday) from 8.00-12.00


Wearing gloves and a mask that covers nose and mouth is compulsory. In the reception area only one student can be present in front of the reception desk. While waiting please keep the 1.5 meter-distance from each other. Please use the hand hygiene gel before entering the room.

The National Higher Education Scholarship Committee of the Faculty of Science and Informatics has evaluated the submitted 188 applications in more sessions. During the evaluation on the basis of the National Higher Education Scholarship Regulation we have decided about the valid applications

Education at the University of Szeged - 2020

On 11th March 2020 the government of Hungary declared the state of emergency due to the pandemic situation. Thus we regret to inform you that the Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Science and Informatics scheduled for 5th July 2020 has been cancelled.

Dear PhD Candidates, Students!

Due to the extraordinary measures caused by the coronavirus, personal administration (reception hours) will be suspended from today until revocation. Doctoral administration can be provided electronically.

Thank you for your understanding.
Szeged, 12 March 2020.


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