Tempus Public Foundation (TPF) with Study in Hungary is very pleased to invite you to participate in the Study in Hungary Higher Education Webinar 2021
Time: 13:00-14:00 UGT + 2, 9th December 2021
Location: https://viva-mundo.com/en/noticia/post/study-hungary-higher-education-webinar-2021
The aim of the educational f webinar is to promote student mobility between Hungarian and Cypriot public and higher education students. It also provides a platform to share views on key issues on higher education and to develop more concrete programs together. 6 high-ranking Hungarian universities will participate in event, the planned programme includes
Hungarian Higher Education Webinar with presentations of Hungarian Universities
If you would want to be our guest at this unique event, please register here.
13.00 – 14:00 Plenary session
Welcome speech
Speaker 1 – Ms. Georgina Tweneboah, International Coordinator of Study in Hungary, Tempus Public Foundation
Speaker 2 – Mr. István Tóth, Dr., Assistant professor; Presentation of University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest
Speaker 3 – Mr. Gellért Szarvas, Erasmus coordinator; Presentation of Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Speaker 4 – Ms. Anna Oláh, Internatoional Coordinator; Presentation of Eötvös Loránd University
Speaker 5 – Ms. Katalin Anna Sándor, International Coordinator; Presentation of University of Pécs
Speaker 6 – Mr. Levente Kiss, Dr., Director, associate professor, Presentation of Semmelweis University
Please feel free to contact Ms. Georgina Tweneboah, the Internationalization Coordinator of
TPF (georgina.tweneboah@tpf.hu for further details or query.
We are looking forward to meeting you.