Tuesday, 28 January 2025
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A Vibrant Multicultural Environment at the University of Szeged

Every year, the number of international students at the University of Szeged is increasing. During the 2021-2022 academic year nearly 5000 foreign students from 115 countries are pursuing their studies at the University of Szeged. The institution aims to further increase the number of international students in the spirit of multiculturalism.

Since the turn of the millennium, globalization and the internationalization of higher education have tripled the number of students studying abroad rather than in their home country. Almost 35 600 international students are studying in Hungary, and the University of Szeged is the third most popular institution among them in the country.


From Sri Lanka to Nigeria and Argentina, students come to the University of Szeged from all over the world. Over the past decades, cultural diversity has become an integral part of the life of our University, the city of Szeged and the region. The presence of international students, in addition to its multicultural character, brings growth and development not only to the university, but also to the city itself, especially to the housing and retail sectors, as well as to the catering and hospitality industry.


All 12 faculties of the University of Szeged welcome international students. Currently, their proportion to the whole student population is 20% on an institutional level, which the University of Szeged aims to increase further. Most students come to the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School. The Faculty of Science and Informatics and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences are also popular. Most students come from Iran, Germany and South Korea. The integration of foreign students is supported by the Orientation Week and the different mentoring programs of ESN (Erasmus Student Network) and ISUS, the International Student Union of the University of Szeged.

The University of Szeged's popularity among foreign students is growing year by year, thanks to - among other things - the 70 foreign language courses available at the institution, the numerous scholarship opportunities, and the high quality of education and student services. The University of Szeged is ranked the best university in Hungary by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) in its 2022 world ranking of higher education institutions, with a prestigious position of 551-560th globally. The institution is a member of the EUGLOH (European University Alliance for Global Health) project, participates in the European University Alliance and the SGroup International University Network, which all have further strengthened the University’s international links and enabled it to increase the mobility of international students and researchers.


The vibrant international student life culminates each year at the International Cultural Evening (ICE). The event, which attracts 2,000 people is also very popular among Hungarian students, and is one of the events where they can be part of a multicultural community, improve their language skills and make new friends.



Photo: Anna Bobkó


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