Saturday, 27 July 2024
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The Academic Senate of SZTE Voted for a Modern Future

The University of Szeged is going through an operative transformation. This model change means that the currently state-run university will continue as an institution sustained by a state-established foundation.

Following weeks of previous discussions regarding the model change, and disseminating information to the citizens of the university about the process of these meetings, the Academic Senate came to its final decision. On the 29th of January 2021, the supreme academic authority chose to say yes to a path that will bring new opportunities not only for the University of Szeged but also for the city and for the whole region.


At the beginning of January 2021, the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) being the sustainer of the university, made an offer to SZTE to transform its state-run model to a university operated by a state-established foundation.


The decision-making process was preceded by brief but extensive discussions. The advantages and risks of the model change were taken under consideration by the academic leaders, the board of deans and the academic senate. An ad hoc committee helped the dialogue between the university and its maintainer, the ITM. The academic leadership informed the citizens of the university about the ongoing discussions on the transformation and gave answers to all of their questions online through the university’s web interface.


On the 29tt of January 2021, the Senate, the supreme academic authority of the university has made its final decision in favour of the model change. The total number of the votes were the following: 29 in favour; 16 against; 7 abstentions.


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