Scope of applicants
As per the amendment of Act CCIV of 2011 On National Higher Education (hereinafter referred to as ANHE) in force from July 10, 2016, the scholarship is to be named the ‘National Higher Education Scholarship’.
The regulations pertaining to awarding the National Higher Education Scholarship —based on the ANHE and Government Decree 51/2007. (III. 26.) on the benefits of, and certain fees payable by students partaking in higher education — remain unchanged in the 2021-2022 academic year.
The National Higher Education Scholarship is for a full academic year, i.e. for 10 months, and amounts to HUF 40,000 per month pursuant to Section 114/D (1) c) of the ANHE.
Students taking part in a state-funded (including scholarship and part-scholarship) or fee-paying full-time undergraduate, master’s or undivided training program who have been, or were - during earlier studies - enrolled for at least two semesters and have earned at least 55 credits, may apply for a National Higher Education Scholarship.
In accordance with the provisions of the ANHE, students who pursue their master's degree after undergraduate education, provided that they meet the other conditions for obtaining a National Higher Education Scholarship, may apply for a National Higher Education Scholarship in line with the call.
Under the provisions of the ANHE, the option to apply for a National Higher Education Scholarship is available on a continuous basis to all students who intend to continue their higher education studies as degree changing students in the semester following the application, during the disbursement period.
Conditions for application
A National Higher Education Scholarship may be awarded to students with outstanding achievement in studies or outstanding professional work performed in the relevant training period of the academic year 2020-2021, maintaining a high level of study or professional achievement.
100 student applications is expected to be accepted by the University of Szeged.
For the assessment of outstanding academic performance, the student must achieve at least 90% of the 100% academic achievement recorded for the Faculty concerned. In the evaluation process, account shall be taken of the situation arising from the presence/attendance restrictions due to the nationwide health emergency. The consequences of the new study schedule should also be taken into account for the 100% academic performance established for the faculty.
In addition, performance concerning social life, sports, and other activities may be included in the assessment of overall student performance to an extent not exceeding 10%
Overall student performance is established on the basis of study achievement, professional output and, at the discretion of the Faculty, performance of the student in areas related to social life, sports, and other activities.
Evaluation of the applications received will proceed in line with the provisions of the Regulation of the University of Szeged on Awarding a National Higher Education Scholarship (hereinafter referred to as Regulation):
Disbursement of the scholarship
A scholarship awarded for the academic year 2021-2022 may be disbursed only during the academic year 2021-2022. In case a student completes studies – in line with the training period – in an odd academic semester (i.e. at the end of the first, autumn semester of the academic year 2021-2022), he or she will be entitled to receive scholarship only if he or she continues studies in the following semester (i.e. in the second, spring semester of academic year 2021-2022).
In the event of the termination or suspension of student status as foreseen in Article 45 and Section (1) and (3-4) of Article 59 of the ANHE, the student may not receive the National Higher Education Scholarship any longer. An exception shall be made if, following the termination of the student status, the student establishes a new student status in the academic year 2021/2022 in accordance with paragraph (3) of Article 10 of Government Decree 57/2007 (26.III.).
Application procedure
The deadline for submitting student applications for a National Higher Education Scholarship is 6th July 2021 (Tuesday), 11:59 p.m.
Applications must be submitted by filling in the application form. The application form is valid only together with a detailed and validated evaluation of the institution.
Applications for a National Higher Education Scholarship may be submitted only electronically, via the Modulo website (https://modulo.etr.u-szeged.hu), by filling in the application form and attaching the enclosures. (The location of submission is the virtual office named University of Szeged.)
Application forms filled in defectively will be rejected.
Parallel applications – premium educational scholarship
Students may apply for a National Higher Education Scholarship and a premium educational scholarship simultaneously (using the National Higher Education Scholarship application form).
Regulations regarding the premium educational scholarship are specified in Article 2 of Chapter II of the Regulation of the University of Szeged on the conditions and determination of ad hoc student benefits. According to this, a premium educational scholarship may be awarded to as many students as the number of students receiving a National Higher Education Scholarship. A precondition for applying for a premium educational scholarship is that the applicant submit an application for a National Higher Education Scholarship in the semester concerned; the other conditions are the same as those for a National Higher Education Scholarship.
A condition for awarding a premium educational scholarship is a rejected National Higher Education Scholarship application. Otherwise, the same conditions apply.
The call for application is available on the website of the University of Szeged (www.u- szeged.hu) as well as on Neptun (www.neptun.u-szeged.hu) and can be downloaded from the dedicated CooSpace scene. The order and conditions of the institutional evaluation of the application are detailed in the Regulation of the University of Szeged on Awarding a National Higher Education Scholarship, available under the Szabályzatok (Regulations) menu of the website of the University of Szeged.