With regard to the state of emergency ordered by the Government of Hungary on the 11th March, the University of Szeged will switch to distance education on the 23rd March until withdrawal, after the spring break. Posts in connection with distance education as well as useful tools illustrated with introductory videos have been published on the CooSpace information scenes.
Sharing good practices and posing questions are also possible in the scenes.
We ask the members of teaching staff to check the scene and learn more about distance education.
Latest resolutions and circulars:
9/2020. (III.15.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee
Useful links and other resolutions:
Resolution for rectorial break
Modification of the spring break by the Rector
2/2020 (II.26.) Rector-Chancellor Circular regarding the students of the University of Szeged concerning measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection1/2020 (III.06.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee
2/2020 (III.09.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee
3/2020 (III.09.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee
4/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee
5/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee
6/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee
7/2020. (III.11.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee
8/2020 (III.12.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee
9/2020. (III.15.) Circular of the Coronavirus Operative Committee
General procedure on coronavirus issued by the National Public Health Service of Hungary here.
Informative video on coronavirus of WHO here.
WHO advices on hand washing here.
Previously in this topic:
Further Measures Have Been Introduced Concerning the Coronavirus at the University of Szeged
UPDATE 10th March 2020: Most Important Measures Concerning the Coronavirus Disease
UPDATED 11th March 2020: Educational break at the University of Szeged
Updated on the 12th March 2020: Measures Imposed with Immediate Effect at the University of Szeged
Updated: 12th March 2020 – Measures Applying to Events at the University of Szeged
Updated: 13th March 2020 - Information on Areas Affected with COVID-19 virus