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Entering Hungary during the Coronavirus Epidemic: FAQ & Checklist

Updated December 17, 2020

Frequently asked questions:


  1. Is the University going to provide online learning?
  2. How shall I prepare for my trip to Hungary?
  3. How do I get to Szeged from the airport?
  4. What do I have to do when I arrive to Szeged?
  5. Where am I supposed to stay during home quarantine?
  6. How will I be able to supply myself during home quarantine?
  7. I am currently in Hungary, but I would like to leave the country and come back for the start of the semester. Is that possible?
  8. I am having Technical Issues with Neptun Registration or Student Certificate, what should I do?


How to get to Szeged?

Useful information on quarantine



As the start of the second semester is approaching and as we would like to ensure that your arrival to Hungary and Szeged will be as smooth as possible, we provide you an information package containing further useful details regarding travel, accommodation quarantine and the start of the semester.



1. Is the University going to provide online learning in AY 2020-21?


Consistent with the current pandemic situation in Hungary the University of Szeged has started the education in the Academic Year of 2020-2021 in the form of the regular face-to-face learning on September 7th, by obeying the regulations related to the pandemic situation. As the number of new and confirmed cases of infections rose, we transitioned into a hybrid system during the semester.

The second semester is starting in the form of online education on February 8th. The online education form is going to be in force until further notice in compliance with governmental regulations.

You can find all necessary and up to date information regarding this topic on our website: Information About the Transition to Online Education


Students also need to take into consideration that they may 10-day quarantine upon entrance to Hungary.


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2. How shall I prepare for my trip to Hungary?


It is crucial to check the latest updates on the entry requirements published by the Hungarian Consular Services in your country before planning your travel to Hungary.

Since regulations often change due to the current epidemic situation, we also ask you to regularly check the website of the University for relevant and up to date information on the requirements of entering Hungary, furthermore the messages sent via Dream Apply and to your e-mail address, and if you are an enrolled student, messages sent via Neptun.


Below please find an outline of the current regulations:


For a checklist of preparations that should be done before starting your trip, please click here.


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Entering Hungary


Students who are entitled to stay in Hungary for more than 90 days, are allowed to enter Hungary, provided they present upon entry a valid official permit (or D type visa) issued by the Hungarian immigration authority, proving their entitlement to long-term stay. However, when entering Hungary, they shall also undergo special procedures.

Upon request, students may have to fill in a “Leniency Application” in order to cross the border.

Find a Leniency Application Form Guide here.


The Hungarian Government has created a new type of Study Certificate for those students who intend to enter Hungary in order to conduct their studies. It is a must to fill out the form in order to receive the Certificate. The form can be accessed on this link. In order to do so newly admitted students have to register to the Neptun Unified Academic System first on this link.


After completing the form, you will be able to download the Certificate instantly. It is neccessary to have it printed while travelling, and if asked, show it to the respective authorities. Students who are facing technical issues regarding the Neptun registration, please refer to point 9: I am having Technical Issues with Neptun Registration or Student Certificate, what should I do?

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3. How do I get to Szeged from the airport?

You are requested to go directly to Szeged (booked accommodation, flat, place of quarantine). There are no restrictions regarding the means of transport, you can use the train, shuttle bus, taxi etc.

For ways of how to get to Szeged, please click here.


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4. What do I have to do when I arrive to Szeged?


You are requested to report your arrival to the Faculty of the University of Szeged that you are admitted to (your programme coordinator).


You will need to indicate:

  • your name
  • e-mail address
  • nationality
  • the country you have departed from/transit countries
  • program and faculty, year
  • the address of your accommodation
  • type of accommodation (hotel, rented flat, friend’s flat, hostel stc.)
  • cell phone number

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5. Where am I supposed to stay during home quarantine?


If you are a Stipendium Hungaricum student, you will stay in a dormitory (health programme students: Apáthy kollégium, non-health students: Öthalmi kollégium. Those Stipendium Hungaricum students, who already have a flat, do not need to be accommodated in a dormitory.


Fee-paying students will need to stay at the accommodation indicated in their residence permit, or under the address indicated in their visa application.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you have already rented an apartment prior to your arrival, it can serve as the scene of a possible quarantine.


Be advised that the police will be checking/verifying on a regular basis that you are at the address of the home quarantine. If the police won’t be able to find you at the given address, you might even face the consequence of expellation from the country.


For useful information on quarantine, please click here.

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6. How will I be able to supply myself during home quarantine?


As you will not be allowed to leave the flat, you will need to order everything you need. Please, make sure to have a bank card which can be used for payment in HUF.


Here is a list of restraunts, pubs and shops that have a delivery service.



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7. I am currently in Hungary, but I would like to leave the country and come back for the start of the semester. Is that possible?


It is possible to leave the country, however it is absolutely not advisable, as your return cannot be guaranteed. In case you wish to come back to Hungary, you will need to count with the possibility of being quarantined.


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8. I am having Technical Issues with Neptun Registration or Student Certificate, what should I do?


Below please find a summary of the possible solutions.


1. Before you start the process, please review the description about the Neptun Registration on our website. This registration may fail for the following reasons:

- Your data is not in the system yet, in this case we ask you to try it tomorrow;

- Wrong data is given during the registration, which causes discrepancies. In this case you are asked to type exactly the same data you have given when applying via Dream Apply. Please pay special attention to the followings:


Name - family name goes first

Mother's maiden name: full name is needed and family name goes first

Place of birth: only the city

Date of birth: year/month/day;


2. A modulo form is designed for you to fill out the details for your Student Certificate. In order to do so you need to have a successful Neptun Registration. Once you have your Neptun login details, please use your Neptun name and password to access form.

Download the description of the Modulo student certificate.

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